
“The English Language is nobody’s special property. It is the property of the imagination” — Derek Walcott

The English Faculty here at John Therry, is made up of a dynamic group of individuals, who are passionate about the study of language and communication. The team is committed to making the study of English an exploratory, creative and stimulating experience for all learners. Our highly qualified, experienced and vibrant faculty members bring wisdom, knowledge and enthusiasm to their classes, creating a culture of learning that ensures success and excellence.

At the core of everything we do is the importance of relationships and we aim to foster classrooms where students feel valued and respected. Teamwork with other faculties, students and parents ensure a collaborative working environment where achievement is guaranteed.

Teaching Methods

A range of methods and styles ensure that students of English get the best learning experiences, broadening their knowledge and understanding of Australian literature, include Indigenous works as well as Literature from around the world. We are constantly sourcing new texts to ensure that classroom activities are relevant to the students in our classes.

Classes also have a strong focus on literacy in stages 4 and 5, with lessons designated on grammar and language features. In addition to this, years 7 to 10 have one lesson a fortnight as a library lesson where they are free to choose a book of their own choosing, have time to do some silent reading and complete a wide reading task.

In keeping with the aim of the Board of Studies, the English Faculty at John Therry enables students ‘to understand, use, enjoy and value the English language in its various textual forms and to become thoughtful, imaginative and effective communicators in a diverse and changing society.’ (Stage 6 Syllabus, Board of Studies, NSW page 7).


The mandatory Board of Studies English Curriculum in Years 7 to 10 (stages 4 and 5) involves the study of fiction, film, poetry, drama and multimedia texts. Integration of the new Australian Curriculum has been implemented across years 7 -10.

In stage 6, the Preliminary HSC course offers students a choice of Advanced English, Standard English and English Studies. Students who choose to pursue the Advanced Course are also given the option of studying Extension English. Students who choose to study English Studies will also have the choice of doing the ATAR or Non-ATAR pattern of study.

In Year 12 Extension 2 is an additional course available to students who are prolific writers with a passion for textual composition.

The Learning Support Department at the College supports an English Life Skills program in stages 5 and 6 for students with special learning needs.

Diocesan Education Excellence Award

The successes experienced in recent years and attainment of a Diocesan Educational Achievement Award in the recent past is something that the whole Faculty is very proud of. These awards were presented for the significant contribution of the English Faculty to the enhancement of the strong learning culture of John Therry Catholic College, through the development of teaching and learning programs and assessment procedures aligned to the College’s literacy program.