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JTCC PRESENTS ‘Matilda the Musical’ 2021
The countdown is on! After several months of hard work, The CAPA Faculty is proud to present ‘Matilda the Musical’ based off Roald Dahl's Novel with music and lyrics by Tim Minchin! Hitting the stage on February 25th, 26th and 27th @ 7pm you are invited to the William E. Murray Hall @ JTCC to see this whimsical production. Below is the link for booking YOUR tickets to come and see the show! And remember, tickets are only available for online purchase, which means NO TICKETS AT THE DOOR.
JTCC CAPA will be operating as a COVID-Safe Organisation and we have the necessary restrictions in place to allow the show to go ahead and to have an amazing audience for each and every show!
MISA teams were finalised today, with Round 1 starting next week. Congratulations to those students who were successful. For those students who missed out, there are many future opportunities to represent JTCC so keep an eye out on the Sport Bulletin Board in the A-block corridor and on the Compass Newsfeed.
Today saw our Year 7, 8 and 9/10 REC Sport Rotations successfully kick off, with fantastic participation by the majority of students. A small number of students still need to have consent given on the ‘General Sport Permission Note’. Please ring the school if you have issues logging in or accessing Events.
The next few weeks will see John Therry participate in the Diocesan Boys and Girls Touch Football, Tennis Teams event and the Diocesan Swimming Carnival. Team meetings, trials and training will be held soon, students are encouraged to read the Compass Newsfeed. Students who have been selected in teams already for Tennis and Boys Touch Football should have received their permission notes on Compass.
Week 4 Monday 15th Feb BOYS Dio Touch (15’s/Opens), Dalton Park
Thursday 18th Feb Dio Tennis (Teams), Gwyneville
Week 6 Monday 1st March GIRLS Dio Touch (13’s/15’s/Opens), Dalton Park
Week 7 Friday 12th March Dio Swimming Carnival, Corrimal
Remember that there is a new way to nominate individual sports for NSWCCC. This information, including registration closing dates can be found on the website:
Please note that some sports are selected by individual trials and these can be held throughout NSW.
Selection in the following sports: Swimming, Cross Country, Athletics, Touch Football and Football are done through the Wollongong Diocese Carnivals by way of representing John Therry at these respective carnivals.
Selection in the following sports: AFL, Baseball, Basketball, Cricket – Girls, Golf, Hockey, Netball, Rugby League, Rugby, Softball, Tennis, Triathlon, Volleyball will need to be done via individual nomination and selections.
**** NSWCCC Cricket has had some late changes, including age grouping and changes of date. Please check the CSNSW website for further details.
John Therry Swimming Carnival
The 41st Annual Swimming Carnival will be held at Bradbury Pool on Friday 5th March, 2021 . Permission notes will be distributed digitally on the Compass App and all consent needs to be given online.
Students should assemble on the basketball courts at the rear of the Bradbury pool (Gordon Fetterplace Aquatic Centre) from 8.15am as the attendance rolls will be marked at 8.30am.
In the event of bad weather, a cancellation announcement will be made on C91.3 radio station, via school email and on the School’s website from 6:30am onwards and a normal school day will be held.
If your child has had an outstanding high level sporting achievement outside of school, we would love to hear from you. Please email me so we can celebrate their achievements with the JTCC community.
Ms Georgia Leach
A reminder that our key communication tool is Compass. This is used for a wide variety of purposes, including accessing student attendance information, school reports, student timetables and positive and negative incidents in the classroom. Parents can update their details in the compass app and provide permission for events. At present, we require the sport permission event in compass to be responded to as soon as possible to avoid having students miss out on sport next week.
The link below provides a simple overview of compass for parents, and all parents who have not logged in yet should have received an email from the school today with their login details.
Please contact the school if you are having any difficulty accessing compass. Once set up I am sure you will find it very beneficial.